Exterior House

Ditching the old for something completely different can be a game-changer for homeowners. Some say hiring exterior house painters is the most economical way to move into a new home. It’s also a sure way to have the best-looking house on the block.

Empire Painting has been protecting and beautifying Southeastern Wisconsin homes for more than 20 years, using the ideal paint and stain products to withstand our region’s extreme cold, harsh sun, high winds and destructive freeze-thaw cycles.

So if you want to know how much to paint the exterior of your house – or treat your wood decks, porches and patios – let Empire Painting provide you with a free, detailed quote.

Exterior Painting in Milwaukee, Waukesha and Delafield

Empire Painting has earned an average of 4.9 out of 5 stars on Google from nearly 200 highly satisfied customers, making us one of the top exterior painting contractors in the area.

We have experience staining wood siding, we know how to paint exterior brick the right way, and we never touch an exterior with a brush before we thoroughly clean it. Empire Painting is the perfect partner to paint your home’s exterior. We do all the prep work to ensure the finished product highlights the beauty of your house.

front of exterior house painting

Extend the Longevity of your Exterior Surfaces

No matter the siding, trim or architectural details of your home, our exterior painters have the expertise to prepare and paint each component for lasting results. Most exterior work is warranted for three years from date of completion. For most cedar homes in the Waukesha and Milwaukee County region, annual cleaning coupled with painting (solid-body or semi-transparent stains) is necessary every five years. Empire has experience working with varying types of siding. Here are some examples:




Cement Board


Dutch Lap



Determining exterior painting cost

The price of your house painting project will vary based on a few different variables. Square footage and higher quality paints can affect the cost, as can the condition of your exterior – whether repairs or extensive clean-up are necessary. Complexity will also factor into a price – from getting around obstructions to unusual features that require detail work. That’s why Empire offers a free quote. One of our experts will come onsite and see exactly what is necessary so we can give you an honest estimate for your project.

Durable, weather-resistant paints

Empire chooses Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore products for their resilience against Wisconsin’s four seasons and long-lasting beauty. For exterior painting in Milwaukee, Delafield, Hartford and the surrounding areas, Empire Painting has your home covered.

Learn also about our interior expertise or contact us for a free, no-obligation quote* on your exterior painting project.

* When you hire Empire, there is no down payment required. Check or cash payment is required upon satisfactory completion and within 15 days of invoice receipt. Home financing is available upon approval through EnerBank USA.


Can you use interior paint outside?

You may have a spare gallon or so of paint left over from an interior project, but better think twice before using it outside. The chemical makeup of interior paint is optimized for fade resistance and cleanability. It is no match for Mother Nature. Moisture and rain will permeate the paint, causing it to bubble and peel. Direct sunlight will prematurely fade the colors and cause oxidation.

And if you are wondering, can you use exterior paint inside, the answer is “no” for a different reason. Exterior paints contain a high concentration of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. These chemicals are essential for enabling paints to withstand extreme weather for years, but can be harmful to humans and pets if concentrated inside a home or office.

Empire Painting Company
24 Enterprise Rd., Delafield, WI 53018
(262) 303-6472

Request an Empire quote