Interior House
Empire Painting company has over 19 years of experience in the painting and staining business, and our house painters are full-time professionals committed to exceeding expectations, not budgets. How do we achieve this? We listen during your free estimate, where we understand square footage and your interior painting project needs, and are as detailed and transparent as possible with each proposal.
If an area or item is missing in your proposal, we request you inform us so we may clarify. This open communication reduces change orders, which are only ever performed with homeowner approval.
Empire recommends Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore paint products for high quality finishes and beautiful paint color options. This ensures that the job performed exceeds your expectations and the painted surface will last. This ensures that the job performed exceeds your expectations and the painted surface will last. We can help with interior painting in Milwaukee, Delafield, Hartford, and all the surrounding areas.
Interior Painting
Interior Painting is one of the more easy, inexpensive home improvements you can make to your living spaces. Interior painting is a great way to cover up wear and tear, improve the value of your home, or just create a new look and feel to your home.
To make things easier, you can find local interior painters, like Empire, to get the job done. No matter if you’re looking for the whole house to be completed, or just a single room, our painting crew can help.
What to Expect with Empire
Like any interior paint job we perform, it begins with a free, on-site estimate. Empire’s owner Dan Brooks personally reviews all quotes for pricing transparency, clarity, and consistency.
When you hire Empire, there is no down payment required. Check or cash payment is required upon satisfactory completion and within 15 days of invoice receipt. Home financing is available upon approval through EnerBank USA.
Our team begins each interior job at 8 am,
unless otherwise arranged
During prep, all flooring in work areas
will be thoroughly covered with drop cloths
by sheets of painter’s plastic
will be re-positioned upon completion
labeled with room and color
of at a certified waste center
Interior Painting
Weather you're paint job includes painting ceilings, living room walls, or trim, we've got you covered. Empire's professional painters can tackle any interior house painting project. Located in Delafield, WI, we serve the Milwaukee area, Waukesha County, and the surrounding area. Reach out today for a quote, or call us to get more information.
Areas We Serve
We proudly serve our neighbors in the following areas: